
Words of wisdom, encouragement, and information to guide you on your journey to living the life of your dreams.

There Is Always More Of What You Want & Need Jul 23, 2021

“If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket, you can take away a bucketful.”  - Ramana Maharshi

We’ve been conditioned by our upbringing, by society, and by our experiences to believe in things that aren’t...

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The Only Thing You MUST Master To Be Successful Jul 16, 2021

Ask anyone who has created success in their business what their number-one secret is to success and the answer, inevitably, has to do with their mindset.

Constantly and consistently working on your mindset is the most important thing you can do - and really the only thing you have to master. ...

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Soulful Abundance: An Exercise to Take You From Lack to More Than Enough Jul 16, 2021

I love the concept of Abundance. It’s in the name of my business. And it deserves a capital A because it’s not just a trendy buzz word. It’s a real and powerful source that is accessible to all of us. 

I’m  here to tell you that you can lean on Abundance in a...

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Discover Your Intuition, Grow Your Business, and Serve Your Clients! Jul 09, 2021

Have you ever wondered how to use your intuition and connection with nature and animals to confidently raise your fees and grow your business?  

This is what I specialize in coaching women entrepreneurs to do.  

I know for many of you, your intuition is already a part of the...

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Why Your Work Matters to the World, No Matter What It Is Jul 09, 2021

Your work matters! And as women, our collective work matters.  

We do things with compassion, kindness, empathy, holding the space for healing and wholeness for others. Our work tends to be nurturing and nourishing for other people, cultures, animals, nature, and the planet.  ...

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How to Sell, Enroll, and Call Clients WITHOUT Feeling Pushy or Icky Jul 02, 2021

I had a conversation with one of my clients this week about her resistance to marketing, specifically her resistance to having sales conversations with her potential clients. 

She shared that having sales conversations with potential clients made her feel pushy and icky and that people were...

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Overcoming Doubt with One Simple Shift Jul 02, 2021

I used to think I wasn’t brave enough, 

good enough, 

smart enough, 

or unique enough 

to be a successful solopreneur.   


Believing that you have to be “a certain way” in order to be successful is a belief that comes from a mindset of...

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Marketing Is Not a Four Letter Word Jun 24, 2021

Women so often feel icky or sticky about “marketing” themselves and their business. 

Why is that? I know you could tell me 10 reasons why right off the top of your head.  Because you probably have this belief, too.

As young girls many of us heard things like: 


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