About Kristin Hadley
Hi. I’m Kristin. Let’s get acquainted. I'll start...
I love animals and people. It is my joy to assist people and animals in understanding each other more deeply, because when this happens…. everything gets better.
I have always been strongly connected with animals, and have felt their feelings, thoughts, happiness, pains… in very real and deep ways.
My life with animals has been joyous, healing and full of discovery.
Many years ago, I had an incredible desire to understand and know my horse Woody on a deeper level, to know for sure his purpose in my life, and to help him be as happy as I could, since he brought me so much joy. He enlightened me about how I was to bring my blessing to the world and what I was to do with my life… to bring people and animals closer in relationship, with more understanding, love, hope, happiness and healing.
I have had many beautiful human and animal teachers along this journey, and have followed my own path to being an Animal Communicator and Teacher. I am so grateful to all of the beings who have taught me so much, and who guide me every day on this ever continuing journey.
The work that I do through private consultations, teaching, coaching and mentoring brings me an incredible sense of completeness and living my purpose. I love being able to give back to the wonderful Universe by serving animals and people in my work. It is the best thing I do.
I will love to get to know you and your animal friends.
I will love to assist you and your animals in understanding each other more deeply.
I will love to support you in following your passion to communicate with animals.
Let’s get started…
About H2H with Kristin
A Healing Arts Community and Education Resource
Kristin Hadley LLC & Heart2Heart With Animals® is an educational platform dedicated to empowering women across the world to find the power in their intuitive connection with animals and nature, to become confident animal communicators and teachers, and create businesses doing work they love. As a result, graduates of Kristin’s training programs quickly begin creating personal breakthroughs and become agents of extraordinary change in the lives of people and animals.
This vision is offered through certification training programs, individual and group coaching programs, and on-line courses in animal communication and related areas of animal wellness areas including:
- Animal Communication Awareness and Training
- Pet Loss and Grief Support Skills
- Energetic Healing
- Species Behavior
- Physical Animal Health
- Marketing and Business Development for Healing Arts Professionals
Professional Affiliations
Animal Communicators Coalition for Animal Welfare (ACCAW)
Member of The International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork
Illinois Alliance for Animal Owners Rights www.iaaor.org Honoring the freedom of choice for you and your companion in the State of Illinois.
International Alliance for Animal Therapy and Healing www.iaath.com National organization dedicated to the advancement and awareness of healing and health options for animals.
Heart 2 Heart with Animals ® and Kristin Hadley is an educational and service platform dedicated to enhancing the lives of animal companions and their people.
This vision is offered through courses, teleclasses, online training opportunities and private personal consultations.
Kristin Hadley
PO Box 158
Olcott, NY 14126
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