
Words of wisdom, encouragement, and information to guide you on your journey to living the life of your dreams.

Three Pricing Mistakes to Avoid AT ALL COSTS! Aug 09, 2021

A simple question that often makes women business owners blush or break into a sweat is when a customer asks, “How much does it cost?” or “What is your fee?”  

Very often women will avoid the question, or fumble for words, or blurt out their old pricing instead of their latest, upgraded pricing.  ...

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How to Sell, Enroll, and Call Clients WITHOUT Feeling Pushy or Icky Jul 02, 2021

I had a conversation with one of my clients this week about her resistance to marketing, specifically her resistance to having sales conversations with her potential clients. 

She shared that having sales conversations with potential clients made her feel pushy and icky and that people were thinki...

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